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Leigh Bell
Writer. Content Strategist.
Content is not adlib.

Words are my ________. I'm a __________ with a strategic mindset and advanced ________ skills. I deliver data-driven ________ that _________ and dazzles both search engines and ______________________.
marketing term
When you're a

Words and writing have long been my loves, and for decades, they've been my career. ​​I cut my teeth as a newspaper reporter. Literally, I fell down the stairs chasing a story and broke a tooth.
Twenty years and many journalistic awards later, both the printed word and I digitalized. I began a freelance career in digital content the same year Apple launched the iPad. You know which one made more money.
With the versatility and grit freelance requires, I tackled a wide range of projects. I've written entire websites and updated many more, managed social media accounts, written press releases and white papers, drove media relations, and even built a few houses.

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